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What Are the 4 D’s of Medical Malpractice?

Learn what details go into a medical malpractice lawsuit by understanding the four D’s of medical malpractice.
Modern Times
Medical malpractice cases can often be life-changing. In a medical malpractice case, a doctor’s negligence cause injury or ongoing condition, and settlements are generally quite hefty. Understand more about medical malpractice by diving into the 4 D’s of medical malpractice.

Duty of Care

For a case to qualify as medical malpractice, you must be able to show that the doctor in question had a duty to provide you with medical care. If you paid the doctor for services, this qualifies as duty of care. You must have entered into a doctor/patient relationship when you sought their medical expertise.


Also known as negligence, this is a pivotal component of any malpractice or personal injury case. Basically, you must be able to prove that the doctor or medical provider was negligent in how they treated you. You must also show that their negligence caused certain damages.


Damages in a personal injury case can take a wide scope. In a medical malpractice suit, damages often involve changes in quality of life, additional medical fees incurred due to a doctor’s negligence, or lost wages. These damages must be linked to the dereliction of the doctor.

Direct Cause

Beyond establishing negligence, you must illustrate that the doctor’s actions were directly to blame for the negative outcome. Deviating from normal standards, treatments, or diagnoses all may establish this. To earn your settlement, it must be clear that the medical practice is solely at fault and you share no liability.
Clearly, medical malpractice cases can be quite complex. However, by keeping the four D’s in mind, you’ll be able to better make sense of whether or not you’re able to press charges. Speak with a medical malpractice lawyer in Nashville or whichever city you live in to get more guidance about your case.