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Dictatorship Vs. Democracy

Aastha Dogra
The following story deals with the dictatorship vs. democracy debate. Read on to know which is a better form of government and why.
When it comes to deciding which form of government is the most efficient, there is always a debate. Democracy is the form of government, which is followed in countries like America and India. On the other hand, China, Cuba, and Zimbabwe are among the countries which have a dictatorship form of government.
So which one is the better of the two? Who scores better in the dictatorship vs. democracy discussion? Read the story below for an in-depth analysis between the two.


Democracy is defined as a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. Such a government is formed through elections in which the adult citizens of a county cast vote to elect their representatives. Thus, in a way, the government is ruled by the citizens of the country.
Dictatorship is a form of government in which a single individual or a group of individuals hold power and take all the decisions pertaining to running the country. There is complete centralization of power, with the dictator deciding what is expected of all the citizens of the country. Thus, in this form of government, people have no say in how the country will function or how they will lead their lives.

Stability of the Government

If you compare these two forms of government regarding the stability can provide, then certainly dictatorship wins hands down. As there is no other alternative to the government in this case, combined with the people having no rights whatsoever to choose their leaders, problems such as re-elections or people revolting against the government do not ever arise.

Rights of the People

In terms of the power that people have, there is no doubt about the fact that democracy offers much wide avenues of freedom, liberty, equality, and opportunities to the citizens. Here, if people are unhappy, they can raise their voices through various platforms such as the media.
However, such a thing would never be tolerated in a dictatorship, where people are expected just to follow and never to question.


One of the advantages of dictatorship is that it is believed to be much more efficient than a democracy. Incidences of crime and corruption are much lesser as rules and regulations are much more stricter.
As decision-making here lies with just one or a small group of people, not much time is wasted in debating over passing regulations or making amendments in law. Also, proponents of this government say that in case of an emergency such as a war, this form of government is better prepared to meet it as not much time is wasted in debating decisions.

The Verdict

In today's world, democracy is considered to be the best form of government, reason being that people are treated equally and have full rights to live a life of their liking. In a dictatorship, people are literally treated like cattle and are expected to simply obey and follow the government.
The former contributes to development of the individuals as well as the society, while the latter has many wrongs such as there is ruthless oppression of people or there might be flawed decision-making, which may ultimately lead the country towards ruin.
Looking at these disadvantages, many dictatorships today are contemplating to become democracies in future.
In the end, it can be rightly said that democracy is the ultimate winner. The picture becomes even more clearer, if you look at the track record and progress which democracies like USA and India have made in the past few decades!