Crime is the established cause and consequence of poverty. It ripples on in the form of insecurity and underdevelopment. The application of ways to prevent crime and ensure criminal justice primarily involves a thorough understanding of the relationship between both.
Poverty only spells greater instability and enormous suffering―two basic factors that promote crime. This terrible relationship has resulted in extensive social damage in Central and South America, Western Asia and Africa, not leaving out certain regions in Europe.
The developing and under developed nations are most vulnerable to the crime and poverty trap. One results from the other, and together they have become an epidemic. Something beyond human comprehension, and the only solution probably lies in the total eradication of poverty, which is going to take us quite a while.
The Effort toward Preventing Crime and Poverty
Step 1: The effort towards combating crime is visible in a number of dedicated moves made by governments around the world. The drug control policy-making has been elevated to the next level, and now, a comprehensive strategy has been adopted that links internal departments across various national organizations.
The effort is directed not only towards eliminating criminal behavior, but also to promote a global alliance and acceptance of the problem at different levels in different countries.
Step 2: The global effort to fight poverty and crime is focused on highlighting drug-related projects. The research efforts are directed towards a focus on specific regions and the timely promotion of stronger syndicates in the operations.
The success of the projects that effectively address the offense depends on better alignment of energies exerted in tandem with the needs of the assisted countries, and the results predicted by the international lenders and donors. It is important to understand the importance given to resolutions, because they only bear fruit in the soil of concrete action.
Step 3: The countries involved in this global rehab need to share responsibility among the drug and weapon producing entities and countries, and those receiving them. The procurement of arms and drugs do not feed the hungry, it is just an outlet; a vent to the frustration.
International drug control strategies are no more limited to simply controlling the supply and demand of arms and drugs, but also factor production, trafficking, and sale. Technical and financial assistance via multilateral agencies are being tapped in the effort.
Step 4: Preventing the couplet involves understanding the relationship between illegal drug, arms trafficking, and organized crime. The solution lies in identifying and attacking the source of finance for terrorism, and is being rightly applied. There is a global effort towards strengthening financial intelligence and bolstering information-sharing.
The new intra-regional cooperation mechanism being set up is also dedicated to the effort. Governments all over the world are addressing the need to adopt counter-narcotics and arms cooperation via stringent law enforcement and capacity-building. This will, in turn, help the affected nations to rehabilitate and socially reintegrate anti-social elements.
The Miasma Called Terrorism
Terrorism has become a challenge to regional security and well-being. Bringing this evil under control, or once and for all ending it, requires the powerful syndicate of legislation and law enforcement and military action.
To address crime and poverty, highlighting the minutiae postulates institutionalized mechanisms to strengthen regional and international cooperation. The need to enhance counter-terrorism cooperation, within strengthened financial and legal framework cannot be ruled out.
The negative effects and the resultant devastating socioeconomic consequences need to be addressed globally. Developing countries need greater assistance to implement international strategies to deal with the challenges.
Prevention of crime and poverty is not impossible, but it would involve, at the very base, specialized training for magistrates and prosecutors, customs officials, and law enforcement agencies and personnel.
This is to ensure that the technical assistance from the donor community is optimized. The effort will take, not only dedicated training, research, and information dissemination, but also subsidized advisory services.
Steps towards the prevention of crime and poverty require greater support from the international community. It involves a proper evaluation and application of declared international cooperation and technical assistance.